Annual General Meeting – 8th October

Re: Annual General Meeting – 8th October
Following the announcement of An Taoiseach on 5th October 2020 moving all counties to Level 3 at midnight tonight, we will no longer be able to hold the Annual General Meeting of Wicklow RFC on Thursday 8th October 2020 in the Clubhouse.
However, rather than cancelling the AGM, we will be holding the meeting via a private MS Teams call.
Only fully paid up members of Wicklow RFC at 31st May 2020 may join the private meeting. In accordance with the Club Constitution, every ordinary and honorary life member shall have one vote and each family membership shall have one vote.
Should you wish to avail of this option, please confirm by emailing by 5pm, Wednesday 7th October 2020.
Yours sincerely,
Fiona Mitchell
Honorary Secretary
Wicklow RFC